What are songs of ascents?

The Songs of Ascents (known in the Hebrew as “” Shir Hamaalot”) refer to fifteen of the Psalms (Psalms 120-134).

They are referred to as “Songs of Ascents” because they were sung by Jewish families en route to Jerusalem during pilgrimage (see Deu. 16:16). They “ascended” the stairs leading up the Temple Mount at Jerusalem for the feasts. This was figurative of them gaining prosperity (“heights”) as a nation.

The authorship of Psalms 122, 124, 131, 133 is ascribed to King David while the 127th Psalm was authored by Solomon, his son. The author(s) of the others are unknown.

The Songs of Ascents were used for both personal and corporate worship. The Priests often sang these Psalms as they entered the Temple.


© Josh Banks Ministries. 2020.


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