The Johannine account records Jesus' statement on the Cross "It is finished!” as He slipped gradually into death. The question is: Did Jesus accomplish ALL concerning salvation on the Cross?…
Having established that God never abandoned Jesus on the Cross, the issue of Matt. 27:46 then comes in — what did Jesus mean when He said "My God, My God,…
"God's eyes are too holy to behold sin. Because Jesus was carrying your sin, He forsook Him on your behalf..." So goes the modern evangelical sermon. At the end of…
When asked this question, the average Christian might answer "the red liquid that dripped from His side at Calvary" and which "appeased the wrath of God." We already established that…
Another argument often used by advocates of the Penal Substitution Theory of the Atonement ("God needed blood to forgive sins") is the interpretation of the word "propitiation." This word…
Penal Substitution advocates frequently visit Isaiah 53 in an attempt to find evidence for the vengeful, bloodthirsty God they preach. Particularly vs. 10 which says that " pleased the Lord…
"A holy God cannot look upon sin. He can only look through blood! Man sinned, thus blood needed to be offered so His wrath against sin could be appeased!" Here…