An Evil Conscience

An Evil Conscience

Text: Hebrews 10:1-4, 19- 22


An evil conscience, contrary to traditional beliefs, is not a conscience that perpetually sins. An evil conscience is a conscience that refuses to accept the full benefits of the finished work of Christ and is ALWAYS guilty of sin.


I am vehemently against sin but God does not want the believer to have a continuous reminder of his failures- a continuous reminder of sin leads to sin-consciousness, sin-consciousness leads to condemnation and condemnation KILLS!


When you sin, God does not want you to have an evil conscience- a conscience that is ALWAYS sin-conscious and guilty. He wants you to be righteousness conscious- focused on the free gift of Righteousness imputed to you by Him!


An evil conscience is ALWAYS confessing sins, but known & unknown, of omission & commission, of personal or ancestral, because it has not accepted the fact that all its sins- past, present & future have ALL been collectively forgiven in Christ.


God wants you to have a pure conscience before Him, approach Him with confidence & boldness not with the evil conscience of fear and guilt. Believers, once purged, should have no more consciousness of sins BECAUSE they have been declared righteous FOREVER by God. Let go of the evil conscience of guilt and put on the pure conscience of confidence before your Heavenly Father, He loves you just the way you are! Grace be unto you all!


© Josh Banks Ministries. 2020.


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