“The Lion of the tribe of Judah” — Revelation 5:5

This title is one the several salvifical titles ascribed to the Lord Jesus in the New Testament. It is actually an allusion from Genesis 49:9-10 which is obviously a Messianic Prophecy showing that the Lord would come from the tribe of Judah (see Heb. 7:14).

Why is the symbol of a lion used?

The lion was used as a metaphor of bravery and might in the Jewish thought. Heroes were often described as “lions” because they valiantly delivered (see 2 Sam. 17:10 & 2 Sam. 1:23)

So, the terminology “the Lion of the Tribe of Judah” simply refers to the Deliverer who came out of Judah. All His power, might and valiance is to rescue, not destroy — His might is seen in sacrifice. This is why the Lamb imagery explains the Lion (Rev. 5:6). The way the Lion prevailed was by becoming a Lamb — He defeats sin, death and the devil by His sacrifice.


© Josh Banks Ministries. 2020.


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