Praying In Tongues II

Praying In the Spirit II

Text: Acts 2: 1-4


I heard a teaching once that implied that the gift of tongues was the least among the nine gifts of the Spirit. This teaching suggested that love was the greatest gift. The first error in this teaching is that love is a FRUIT of the Spirit — fruits & gifts are two different things. The second error is that the teacher forgot that every other gift in the New Testament is present in the Old EXCEPT tongues. God preserved the gift of tongues for the New Man whose sins have been forgiven — past, present & FUTURE and who have been justified (declared righteous) FOREVER!

I strongly believe that God would not give us a gift on the birth of the Church if it wasn’t of great importance. The first sign of the Holy Spirit’s infilling in the New Testament is speaking in tongues. This gift is a mighty tool yet to be utilized by the Church — just like an army dropping their ammunitions and fighting a war with sticks!

Beloved, take advantage of the gift of tongues, use it to the glory of your Heavenly Father. The gift of tongues is actually the greatest gift in the New Testament. The utterance gifts are the “best gifts” Paul spoke about. Speaking with tongues builds up your whole being effortlessly. You’ve been given a mighty tool by God, use it unsparingly! Grace be unto you.


© Josh Banks Ministries. 2020.

1 Comment


    Glory to God,this is awesome

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